Writer Trivikram Srinivas has become director of the film AHTADU and succeeded fully. The film Athadu brought him a good name and fame. Now he is busy in making film with Power star Pawan Kalyan and once again trying to rule the Tollywood. Trivikram is one of the genious directors who move with his own distinctive style in making the films. Pawan Kalyan also appreciated him a lot saying that the film in our combination will break the records and remain in the hearts of Telugu people forever.
Sexy figure Ileana is playing first time opposite with Pawan Kalyan. Another beauty Parvathi Melton also playing in a special role in this film. Still the tile of the film is pending which will be named later on said by the producer Allu Arvind. He inspired by the style of direction of Trivikram towards his hard work and dedication and said definitely this film becomes one of the sensational hits of Tollywood.